Saturday, April 16, 2011


There are several myths that I believed growing up that have since been busted. One in particular comes to mind because it was busted just last night. Here they are:

  1. You can't get sick with one cold right on top of the other. This is the one that was busted for me yesterday. I just finished up with a pretty bad head cold, with the last remnants of it going away on Wednesday. And then on Thursday night I had a really bad sore throat, which has led into what seems to be a pretty significant chest cold. Super big bummer. I'm just thankful this is the first time in my life this has ever happened to me!
  2. You can't throw up while you're going to the bathroom. I think my mom used to tell me this when I had the stomach flu because I was scared that it might happen and wouldn't know what to do if it did. I haven't personally had this myth busted, but I have spoken to quite a few friends who guarantee me that this is most definitely possible.
  3. If it's below a certain temperature, it won't snow. Now, for all of you meteorology junkies out there, this so-called myth might actually hold some truth at some given temperature. But I remember when I was little and I was afraid of a snow day because it meant I couldn't do show-and-tell or have my friend over for a sleepover or whatever, and my mom would reassure me that it was too cold to snow. Since becoming an adult, I realize how cold it is sometimes when it snows -- sometimes in the single digits. To date, though, I've never had the snow sabotage any show-and-tell or sleepover plans, thank goodness.
So I'm curious...what are some of your childhood myths that have since been busted?

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